It is nice to be gifted! Bright Kids mission is to solve problems and create challenges at school, home, work and in social interactions.
Gifted people need to discover, develop and use their talents. Together, we can create a society
where everyone has the opportunity to flourish and be happy. Bright Kids is doing it!
Willeke Rol
ECHA specialist Hoogbegaafdheid
At elementary school De Terp in Weesp, we have been working with Bright Kids with great satisfaction since 2014. In
collaboration with Bright Kids we have set up a plus class/enrichment class at De Terp. Children
work on their self-confidence and mindset during these classes using challengingactivities. In addition, children learn that making mistakes is necessary; this is an essential part of
We see the enrichment class as a very valuable addition to the curriculum; the children enjoy going there every week and have a lot of fun.
children enjoy going there each week and benefit from it for the rest of the week in the daily routine of the school.
from it during the rest of the week during the daily business of the classes and regain pleasure in school.
At elementary school De Terp in Weesp, we have been working with Bright Kids since 2014 with great satisfaction. In
collaboration with Bright Kids we have set up a plus class/enrichment class at De Terp. Children
work on their self-confidence and mindset during these classes using challengingactivities. In addition, children learn that making mistakes is necessary; this is an essential part of
We see the enrichment class as a very valuable addition to the curriculum; the children enjoy going there every week and have a lot of fun.
The children enjoy going there each week and benefit from it during the rest of the week in the day-to-day running of the school.
benefit from it during the rest of the week in the daily running of the classes and get back to enjoying school.
In kindergarten, we started at Bright Kids. Initially to be more challenged. There he got challenges and the space to look at situations from different angles.From grade 7 onwards we came to Bright Kids again and this time to work one on one: coaching.I see him now dealing better and better with situations; not always immediately jumping into stress/defense/emotion when something is not going his way; dealing with difficult situations. Of course things still go wrong, but that is allowed. He also learns to accept that making mistakes is allowed.He now also speaks to me (in a respectful way) when I haven't done something right. I have a lot of admiration for that.With the help of Willeke's coaching he is going through an enormous growth (in a difficult time like puberty).
YES. Sometimes you just get really happy about something. Just finished reading the book "Challenging Toddlers" by Willeke Rol and Marijne Sammels. What a fine read and practical book you have written. It contains many recognizable views on practice, beautiful examples, plus interesting theories, models and literature. Also applause for the 9 appendices with handy tools for every educator of students with characteristics of #begiftedness - #highly giftedness. As far as I'm concerned, it should be used as a book on the lab. It provides a good overview of what is important to know about young children and education. Thank you for sending it to me. Obviously not only for professionals, but also recommended for parents!
You are helped in a fun way to learn how to deal with being smart. I also learned how to control my anger if things didn’t work out the way I wanted it to. I then talked and painted, with the result being a beautiful painting.