
Is your child in primary school, secondary school or studying? And do you want your child to be comfortable with themselves and their self esteem? Bright Kids helps children and young adults meet challenges through coaching, counseling, enrichment classes, learning to learn and advice for at school and at home.


(Young) children

(Young) children often cannot put their problems and feelings into words yet.

Playing, drawing and painting are the best ways for these children to put their feelings into words. During the sessions, we look at what is going on from the child’s perspective/point of view).

We work with solution-focused methods. The child learns which skills and qualities he/she already has and which he/she needs to (solve/face) their challenges/problems.

We work with solution-focused methods. The child learns which skills and qualities he/she already has and which he/she needs to (solve/face) their challenges/problems.

Through solution-focused work you make the child aware of:

  • What can you do?
  • When can you do it?
  • What is the desired situation, what do you want to achieve?
  • What advantages will this bring?
  • What do you need for this?
  • What do you need to do?
  • Who or what can help you?

Young adults

The essence of counseling is that the counselor helps the young adult to help themselves. The counselor asks questions that lead to insights. So a counselor does not give advice and does not offer ready-made solutions. These insights do not only concern the rational side of the situation, but also the emotional side. It often turns out that they apply what they learned during the sessions to everyday situations.

Counseling is not a magic formula that can solve a problem overnight. In fact, counseling is not about offering solutions. Counseling teaches people how they can deal with their problems better and how they can find a solution for the problems themselves. Counseling means: advising, giving advice and getting them to look at themselves in the mirror. Counseling is more than just letting someone go through therapy. Counseling is helping a person to function optimally at his or her own level in all circumstances and to show that person the way in other problem situations.

Family Setup

Bright Kids helps families with the methodology 'Family Setup'. Family Setup is a way to make underlying patterns in your life visible. Family and ancestors often play a much bigger role than we realize, such as: bonding, order (place in the family).

For a harmonious development, it is important that children develop. This is not always obvious and sometimes goes unseen, for example, do you recognise any of these questions that highly gifted families often ask us:

  • My child only does what he wants (autonomy, at the expense of the relationship)
  • It seems as if my child is the boss in the house (relationship)
  • My children fight so much, how do I solve it? (competence)
  • What is the position of the child in the family and what is their perception of that position? (order)


Working method

By means of a Family Setup, insights are given for the questions and the processes that are at play are examined. The children set up the family with dolls, the parents watch and observe. Afterwards, we look at what follow-up steps and agreements are needed.

Positive Discipline

In 20 to 25 years...

Imagine being invited to your child's house a few years from now. You stand at the door and ring the bell or just open the door because you have a key. What kind of person do you hope to see when the door opens? What characteristics and skills does your child have? Make a list in your head.

Did it work, or did you have to think a bit? What words came to mind? Words like: open, independent, reliable, caring, etc. 

Skills or challenges?

Make a list of negative points, annoyances about your child or children. Is that easier to do? And should we even call them that? What about challenges? I think this list is easily done.

Crazy, right? Parenting means teaching the positive aspects, but in reality, people look at the other list more. And before you know it, you are punishing and rewarding. With what results?

So how do you work on the first list?


Checklist for effective parenting:

Are you kind and firm at the same time? Is what you say or do respectful and encouraging to you and your child?

Does your child feel a sense of belonging and significance? Does your child feel a connection with you?

Is what you say and do effective in the long term? What will your child learn? Remember that punishment works in the short term, but has very negative consequences in the long term. It leads to resentment, revenge, rebellion or withdrawal.

Are you ensuring that your child develops valuable skills and character? Like respect, problem solving, cooperation, contribution, in short, the things on your first list?

Do you invite your child to discover how capable he or she is? Can he or she use his or her influence and independence in a positive way?

It will be clear to you that punishment and reward do not meet these criteria. Positive Discipline is a parenting method based on respect, encouragement and teaching skills, rather than on reward and punishment.

Would you like to know more? Then get in touch!

Book Positive Discipline

Raising children with Positive Discipline The basic book of Positive Discipline written by Jane Nelsen, with all the topics for home and classroom. If you want to improve your relationship with (your) children and help them to stand strong on their two feet, then this book is for you.

Millions of children have benefited from the advice in this book. A book with many examples of Positive Discipline in practice and a wealth of advice.

Learning to learn

If you notice that your child could use some extra help with Learning to learn, Bright Kids has a number of training courses. These Learning to Learn methods, developed by Studielift, are given in groups, but can also be followed individually.

Learning never stops, it continues throughout life. As a parent you can help and support your child in this process.

On your way to the first year of secondary school

For pupils in group 8 of their primary school and pupils in the first year of secondary school until the (autumn/fall) break

The transition to the first year of secondary school is the next step in the school career. Your child will have different subjects, a lot more teachers, homework and new learning material.

In 3 lessons of 1 hour:

  • Which agenda is best to use?
  • Looking at the types of homework and how best to tackle these big chunks at a time
  • Focus reading, so that everything is read and remembered better
  • Distinguishing between main and minor points in a text
  • The first steps of mindmapping

Cost: € 95

Fast learning = Fun learning

For secondary school pupils

Is that really true? What if they spend a lot of time learning words, reading texts and making assignments. Not to mention ,,,, to keep up with the planning.

If your child wants to have more time for things they find really interesting, let them join the course

In 6 lessons of 1 hour:

  • Speed reading; 2 to 4 times faster 
  • Organizing learning/working spaces
  • Conscious learning: what you do well/could do better
  • Preparation: grammar and recognizing the structure of texts; mind maps
  • Working from Memory: short and long term memory; memory techniques
  • Motivation, interests
  • Planning homework and final exams
  • Learning to learn, how to combine all skills in the smartest way

Costs in a group: € 279,95
Costs individually: € 379,95

Learn Active learning

For upper secondary pupils and students

During the Active Learning course, you will learn to work and learn from your own qualities and skills. This will give you more energy and you need this to be able to learn actively and successfully.

6 lessons of 1 hour:

  • Learning attitude & learning behavior
  • Mindset versus motivation
  • Reflecting & setting goals
  • Learning from mistakes & successes
  • Your personal learning plan
  • Summarizing and rehearsing
  • Preparing and evaluating tests

Costs in a group: € 279,95
Costs individually: € 379,95

Enrichment class

(Highly) gifted children are children that have a high IQ,creative thinking skills and the motivation to develop their own abilities.

The three greatest needs of these children are: challenges (they must be able to affiliate themselves with the subject matter and be challenged, to develop their creativity of thought), personal guidance and physical as well as verbal interaction with children in the same development stage as they are, also known as “peers”. It may be that your child does not get what he or she wants in regular education. Not getting the (cognitive) challenge that is needed. Is not 'seen'. Experiences problems in making contact with their fellow peers.

It is extremely important for the children to be able to live among peers (developmental equals). To be able to be themselves for a while, to see that they are not the only ones who deviate from the average, to recharge their batteries for a while. They function much better for the rest of the week if they learn to understand that they are different by being and interacting with other developmental peers. They are not better, but they are different.

Because of their rapid processing of information, boredom is a common problem that can lead to problem behaviour, including causing disruptions in the class, but also having a delay in development, due to underachievement. 

In addition to the speed of processing information, the use of other learning strategies is needed to educate these children even if it means that it sometimes comes in different forms and content. In addition, other personal problems may arise, such as problems with social adjustment,

The way of teaching is different from regular education. The activities that take place can be person-oriented, content-oriented or culture-oriented.

The form can best be described as exploration education. 

While exploring, they will encounter all kinds of problems/challenges and then have to solve them. The following elements are included:

  • Broadening
  • Enrichment
  • Own research
  • Collaboration
  • Leadership
  • Presentation
  • Learning to learn
  • Mindset 

Bright Kids has two enrichment classes:

LOP (Leids Onderwijs Project) In Leiden

The LOP is an enrichment class for gifted pupils from group 6 in primary school onwards, where the children are guided in their giftedness during school hours. There is a morning and an afternoon group on Tuesdays. Some of the places are subsidised by the municipality of Leiden. 

For more information about the LOP click here. hier.

Bright Kids Class in Diemen 

The class is for pupils of primary school age. Technically, children can participate throughout the whole year, during the time they are in group (4 and 5, placement with consultation) 6, 7 or 8 of primary school. The children visit the class one day a week during school hours.

For more information about the Bright Kids Klas click here. hier.